Drone Photography Services

Lake Life Photography

Get the shot you can't get from any other angle. Drones let us get the perfect shot to capture you're lake moments, so you can hold them forever.

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Lakefront Real Estate

Capturing the magnificence of Lakefront real estate has always been challenging. Drone photos and videos allow us to capture the beauty and magnificence that these lakefront properties deserve. When selling or marketing your lakefront properties, you want to put your best food forward.

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Large properties

With drones we can capture the beauty of large properties and facilities such as golf courses. Its nearly impossible to look at 20 pictures and imagine a golf course. A picture is worth a thousand words and a 4K drone video is worth 60 pictures per second. There is no alternative to video coverage of your large property.

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High Altitude Perpectives

Sometimes you need a bird's eye view to really put things in perspective. High altitude photography is now affordable with our advanced state of the art drones

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